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Intermediate Clay

"A Hunters Cup"
Ceramic and Glaze
"Deconstructed Cup"
Ceramic and Glaze
"Paint Splatter Blob"
Ceramic and Acrylic with Gloss
"Rooster Pitcher"
Ceramic and Glaze
Ceramic, Glaze, Acrylic, Stain, & Cotton

The face I created was half of the Grinch’s face and half me. The Grinch is a mean, jealous character who didn’t want others to be happy for what he didn’t have. He was ashamed of the way he looked and embarrassed about what other people thought about him, so he ran away. He hated everyone until Cindy Lou Who came along and changed his attitude to become a better person and put others before himself. The mask I wear everyday is that sometimes I do get jealous for what other people have. Whether it’s the way they look, the clothes they have, the grades they have, or that they have more things than me. Sometimes I wish I was prettier or smarter but I’ve realized that I’m very lucky for everything I have. Everyone is different and special in their own way.

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